Warm paint colours such as vibrant yellows, rich reds, and fiery oranges can energise and revitalise any interior space with their cheery and inviting mood. When strategically used in a thoughtful…
The start of the New Year 2023 has also brough some interesting and trendy Pooja Room designs to the forefront. People living in cities are always looking for innovative ways to design a Pooja Room.
The look and appeal of the Pooja Room sets a peaceful vibe for the rest of the house. A home that has a well-designed Pooja Room easily invites happiness. You must invest some time to select the…
A house becomes a home when there is a sacred space like a Pooja Room. Most Indian homes always have a space allocated for prayers and religious rituals. The houses in the villages are large.
A Pooja Room adds a sacred touch to the apartment. Middle class families come up with innovative ideas to create a Pooja Room in their house within a budget. Money never comes in the way of true…
Making a choice of colours for your living room is an important decision. According to Vastu Shastra, a positive energy hall can be created by selecting the right colours.
The front door is one of the most important aspects of your home, according to Vastu Shastra, an ancient Hindu science that focuses on the proper construction and design of buildings.
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