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What are Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal Paints?

What are Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal Paints?

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  1. Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal paints

    Did you plan for the wall paintings of your new home yet? If not, then that is completely alright. We will discuss the qualities and types of paints available in the market. This article is important because you need to know which paint will suit best for your house. Keep on reading to learn more about it.

    Since you have purchased a house or built your home already, you will know that walls tend to contain growing bacteria and fungus. It happens probably because bricks, cement, or sand are poor. Nevertheless, several anti-bacterial paints are largely available in the market, which will provide your walls with extensive protection. Let us take a quick look at what these anti-bacterial and anti-fungal paints & coatings are.

  2. Anti-microbial Paint – What is it?

    Antimicrobial paint, also known as antibacterial paint, is a kind of paint that contains an active ingredient within it. This ingredient helps in preventing fungal and bacterial growth on the walls. Nevertheless, other than paint, there is also an antimicrobial coating imbibed with water-based solvents and liquid or powder coatings. These coatings can also give protection to the walls.

  3. Anti-fungal Paint – What is it?

    Like antibacterial paint, antifungal paint also comes with an emulsified shield that provides a smooth finishing texture to the walls. These paints usually have an antifungal coating that acts like a shield to the walls of your sweet home.

  4. Antibacterial and Antifungal Paint - Why do you Need Them?

    Paintings indeed make your walls look magnificent. But besides making your wall look gorgeous, you are supposed to take care of various other things along with that. You also need to apply antifungal and antibacterial coating so that there is zero presence of bacterias and microbes on your walls.

    A Complete Guide to Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal Paints in 2022 by Nerolac
    A Complete Guide to Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal Paints in 2022 by Nerolac
  5. Do you know why you require these coatings for your walls? Well, they provide lots of benefits like-

    1. It gives complete protection to your walls.

    2. It is extremely cost-effective as it has protective properties and is bestowed with longer durability.

    3. It will help your walls shine longer.

    4. It is easily available in the market and will not burn holes in your pocket.

  6. Antibacterial and Antifungal Paints - Advantages

    When you plan on painting the walls of your new residence or even when repainting your home, always keep in mind that you need to apply antibacterial paint. It will provide your walls with complete protection for an extensively longer period. Let us now look into some of the advantages that antifungal paints provide you with.

    1. The antifungal paint is instilled with a significant resistant technology that you can clean very easily. It holds great durability power, and you can clean off any dirt with a damp cloth.

    2. It provides you with complete germ-free protection where it will help in preventing any kings of fungus and bacteria from growing on the walls and other surfaces.

    3. It comes with greater durability and can stick to your walls for a long time. It won’t easily wear off, and you can save your savings as you are not required to repaint your house for at least five to eight years.

  7. To Conclude

    When you apply antibacterial and antifungal coatings to your wall, it will greatly benefit you. Besides providing your walls with complete protection, it will not allow any moulds or fungus to grow on them, thereby making your walls look bad. It has a well-built technology that provides greater durability and resistance power.

Nerolac Paints, a leading paint company in India offers a wide range of wall paint colours & painting services & solutions for homes & offices.

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Is there a difference between antibacterial and antimicrobial?

Well, there is not much significant difference as both of them act upon various kinds of microorganisms.

What does antifungal paint contain?

It contains various proteins and polypeptides that work as antifungal additives.

What is an antimicrobial coating made of?

Antimicrobial coatings are made out of dendrimers as it has the capability of traversing cellular membranes.

How does an antimicrobial coating work?

The antimicrobial coatings prevent the growth of pathogens through the cellular membranes.

Which is the best antibacterial paint?

One of the best antibacterial paints in India is Nerolac Impressions Eco Clean - an interior emulsion paint with strong antibacterial protection and fungal resistance.

Which is the best antifungal paint?

If you wish to take good care of your house wall paints and ensure they last long then try Nerolac Nero Wash, which is a biocidal antifungal solution used before painting walls and one of the best antifungal solution in India which prevents walls from getting infected by fungus.

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