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Make Your Living Room A Happy Place With Vastu Shastra

Make Your Living Room A Happy Place With Vastu Shastra

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Living Room Vastu is a set of principles for aligning rooms within your home in order to create a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. It has its roots in Indian mythology, but its concepts are applicable to any kind of space and can be used to bring balance into any home. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of Living room vastu, how it works and how you can apply it to make your living room, and consequently your home, a happy place. So read on for more!

Importance Of Vastu for Living Room

Living room, also known as lounge or sitting room is the most important part of a house. It is the place where family members gather to spend quality time with each other and also entertain their guests. Vastu Shastra helps people create living rooms that can bring health, wealth and happiness to everyone living in the house.

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Living Room as per Vastu should be spacious, airy and well illuminated. The living room should never face any religious place or a funeral ground. Placing the entrance door at the middle of the living room is considered auspicious as it helps in maintaining balance in the house. It is important to keep the living room clutter free as it helps in creating positive energy.

  1. Sofa Direction

    Sofa Direction
    Sofa Direction

    As per living room vastu for sofa set should be placed in such a way that it faces east or west. It is believed that placing furniture in this direction will bring positive energy and positivity to your living space. Additionally, ensure that the back of the sofa does not face any doors; otherwise, it can obstruct the flow of good energy. The sofa direction as per Vastu is of foremost importance if you wish to create a peaceful living room. Make sure you keep this in mind while placing your living room furniture.

  2. Feng Shui Direction

    Feng Shui Direction
    Feng Shui Direction

    Feng shui is another important element when it comes to living rooms. This ancient Chinese practice believes in balancing energies within any given area through placement of items such as furniture or mirrors. According to feng shui, you should always keep the living room clutter-free and use symmetrical shapes to bring balance. The living room sofa should be placed facing the door to allow energy to flow freely while not blocking it.

  3. Mirror Placement

    Mirror Placement
    Mirror Placement

    Vastu suggests that placing a mirror in living rooms can attract positive energy and make family members happier. However, you should avoid placing them on the south wall of your living room as this could lead to unnecessary quarrels between family members. Ideally mirrors should be placed opposite the main entrance or towards the north or east walls of your living room.

    Additionally, it is important to ensure that the living room is well lit so that no negative energy lingers around. Lastly, you should avoid placing your living room furniture near any windows as this could reduce the amount of natural light entering the living space and also block positive energy from entering.

  4. Television Placement

    Television Placement
    Television Placement

    The living room is the hub of many activities in a home, and it’s not complete without a television. According to vastu, placing your television in the right direction can bring good luck and prosperity into your life. The best place for the TV is to be placed towards northern or eastern walls. It should face towards the west, north or east while sitting on the sofa set.

    This will bring positive energy into your living space as well as help ensure that you get good vibes from watching programs on TV. Avoid placing it in the southwest corner as this may lead to excessive arguments and fights between family members.

  5. Lamp Direction

    Lamp Direction
    Lamp Direction

    The living room being the primary source of natural and artificial light, a lamp placed in accordance with Vastu principles brings in peace and harmony. The lamp should be strategically placed on one side of the living room according to the orientation of your house (East, West or South). Placing it at the center is also considered auspicious as it symbolizes divine energy.

    Placing a lamp at a higher level will bring in more clarity into daily life. Make sure that you clean your lamps regularly to avoid stagnation of energy. This will make sure that positivity flows through your living space freely without any hindrances.

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  6. Photos Placement

    Photos Placement
    Photos Placement

    Photos represent memories and life in general. Hang photos of your loved ones as per the living room vastu to spread positivity and joy throughout the living space. They also fill the living room with love, peace and happiness. Ensure that you hang the photographs at a higher level so that it spreads good vibes all around.

    Avoid hanging any negative or unpleasant pictures as this can hamper the overall energy of the living room. The Vastu for photos in living room should always be followed for the best results.

The Bottom Line

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian practice that dates to Vedic times and, while it may not be a universal solution, living room Vastu can help create a more positive living space. By understanding the living room’s role in your home and aligning it with the principles of Vastu, you will see the effects of living happily and peacefully in your living room. Whether you choose to follow all or just some of the living room Vastu advice, making minor changes to your living room can have significant benefits for you and those around you.

With simple changes, such as re-arranging furniture and cleaning clutter from the living room, you can ensure that your living space is filled with nothing but positive energy. The living room can be a place to relax, rejuvenate and connect with your family and friends, making it an even more special part of your home when living as per Vastu.

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