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Fun Ways of Playing With Paint Finishes

Fun Ways of Playing With Paint Finishes

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“All real works of art look as though they were done in joy.” - Robert Henri. The unwritten rules of house painting often dictate the use of interior paint types and sheens, based on the effect and durability desired from a space. Guidelines such as painting the trim with high gloss paints and the ceilings in a matt or eggshell finish are the underpinned home décor trends in most homes. Although these rules are essential and decree the durability and final look attained from a paint job, you can be as creative with paint finishes as with wall paint colours. Playing with wall paint finishes can help attain creative results that are unique and eye-catching. Read on to find inspiring wall painting ideas to play with paint finishes to add drama and fun to your home

  1. Make a Statement with the Front Door

    Paints are not just for walls. Painting the front doors is an excellent way of creating an entry statement and a striking first impression. For the bold-hearted, the front door is a brilliant place to start experimenting with finishes to attain a bright and whimsical feel to your abode. Try using a High/ Full Gloss finish over the door, to create a striking first impression, or use a pastel hue in a matte eggshell finish to create a subtle entryway that is elegant and inviting.

  2. Unconventional Use of Eggshell Finish

    An eggshell finish is usually a favourite for the bedroom wall and ceiling, owing to its low lustre and easy to wash features. However, unconventional use of the eggshell interior finish is brushing the coat across furniture, wooden cabinets, metal and even hard floors throughout the home. This creative approach creates an extremely durable mid-sheen finish which adds a contemporary feel to the house. Use Pearl Emulsion to create a classic matt appearance that has a gentle sheen, and soft touch that makes the home look vintage with added durability

  3. Mix a Unique Blend

    What is playing with sheens, if you don’t mix and match finishes to create a cohesive scheme! Painting furniture like chairs, footstools or frames in Eggshell, and Full Gloss, all in the same colour, each variance of the sheen will subtly yet notably add character to the furnishings.

  4. A Lustrous Secret

    To add a playful look to your interior décor, try to use more than one wall paint finishes to create an element of surprise. Try using a flat matt or eggshell paint finish on the exterior of wardrobes or cabinets contrasting the same with a glossy finish on the inside. Thus, you can add an element of interest and a secret sheen to a bookshelf, kitchen cabinet and more, by adding a dramatic backdrop to your possessions

  5. Hidden Patterns in Walls

    A playful yet subtle wall colour idea is to create patterns across walls in different paint sheens, like strips (or even a hidden quote or message) in the high gloss paint on a matt wall. This playful use of paint finishes can create a hidden layer of interest, which is barely noticeable until the sunlight gleams on the wall.

  6. Artistic Floors

    Use eggshell paints to fashion creative mosaics or patterns on the floor for a creative touch, and a durable, lustrous floor that makes a dramatic statement. You can also choose to paint the wooden floorboards in your home in a glossy paint finish to make the room feel bright and lively The playful use of a matte paint finish to camouflage uneven walls or eggshell finish to accentuate furniture can make a home feel exciting and unique. Thus, wall painting finishes can be cleverly used to disguise or emphasise the architectural features of a house, and make it stand out for all the right reasons.

Nerolac Paints, a leading paint company in India offers a wide range of wall paint colours & painting services & solutions for homes & offices.

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