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Cracked Wall? No Problem! Expert Tips for Repairing and Restoring Your Home's Integrity

Cracked Wall? No Problem! Expert Tips for Repairing and Restoring Your Home's Integrity

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Don’t let a crack deteriorate your home’s integrity. Empower your home with the right crack-bridging solutions.

A cracked wall is a symptom of foundational issues and overall structural damage. A simple crack looks like a minor blemish on a wall, however the root case of it must be detected in order to avoid future structural damages. Repairing wall cracks are integral to your home’s hygiene as well. This blog will help you detect various structural damage or assess potential properties with ease, through a detailed guide on repairing wall cracks. Right from identifying the root cause of a cracked wall to identifying the type of crack and repairing it, our experts have created this guide to help you make informed decisions.

Why Do Walls Crack and the Importance of Fixing Cracks In Walls

Why Do Walls Crack and the Importance of Fixing Cracks In Walls
Why Do Walls Crack and the Importance of Fixing Cracks In Walls

Walls crack due to various reasons like temperature changes, wear and tear, moisture, water seepage or external structural issues. Identifying the causes of cracked walls and determining the solution helps homeowners avoid potential damages or rectify the wall accordingly. Here are few reasons why fixing cracks in walls is important to homeowners:

1. Structural integrity:

If you fail to pay attention to a cracked wall, it may affect the overall structural integrity of your home. It may lead to more cracks and further damage.

2. Aesthetic appeal:

Cracks do not look good on walls and may spoil the overall aesthetics of your home.

3. Property value:

Home Repairing cracks and maintaining your wall hygiene retains the property value.

4. Safety and hygiene:

Large cracks are symptoms of a larger structural damage and may even fall victim to mold and algae growth further hampering the hygiene of your home.

5. Water damage:

Water seepage and damage can come through cracks and lead to infestation and other problems.

The Different Types of Cracks: Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal

The Different Types of Cracks: Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal
The Different Types of Cracks: Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal

Cracked walls are not as simple as they seem. There are different types of cracks when homeowners want to identify them. To determine the cause of a cracked wall, one needs to understand the type of cracks and diagnose the cause of it. Let us understand the common types of wall cracks:

1. Vertical Cracks:

As the name suggests, these cracks run from top to bottom of a wall. Vertical cracks are either caused due to temperature changes or shift in the settings.

2. Horizontal Cracks:

Horizontal cracks appear parallel to the ground or construction lines. The causes for such cracks are usually structural movement, water pressure or foundational issues.

3. Diagonal Cracks:

Mostly caused due to external forces, diagonal cracks intercept various other cracks and appear in crosses across the wall. Identifying the angle or the direction of the crack, can help find the solution.

4. Hairline Cracks:

Hairline cracks are extremely thin. These are the least harmful and are superficial in nature. These cracks are caused by natural expansion and contraction of construction.

5. Settlement and Structural Cracks:

Structural cracks appear vertically, horizontally or step-in-step. They mostly indicate an underlying structural issue or load bearing issues. Settlement cracks are usually vertical in nature and result due to the natural settling movements of a construction.

Also Read: How to Effectively Fix Wall Cracks Before the Rainy Season?

Identifying the Cause of the Cracks: Foundation Issues, Settlement, or Structural Damage?

Identifying the cause of cracks is like identifying the root case of any health issue. It can range from a settlement issue to external damages or structural damage. Let us look at the most common reasons for cracked walls.

1. Foundation issues:

Foundation issues are usually caused from the ground up or due to soil pressure. Look for cracks that begin below and are wider and taper towards the top.Other symptoms of foundation problems are uneven floors or sticky doors.

2. Settlement Issues:

Most common in new homes or constructions, settlement issues are usually caused due to the settling of newer materials on soils. They are usually visible in a step-in-step nature.

3. Structural damage:

External structural damage or structural movement due to humidity and temperature changes can cause expansion or contraction of materials leading to cracked walls. Other signs are bowing walls, sagging floors or gaps between walls and ceilings.

4. Poor construction or water damage:

If poor construction materials were used, the durability of the foundation is bound to be affected with cracks appearing. Excess moisture can also seep into cracks and lead to damage. Water damage like leaks, seepages, poor drainage can lead to wall cracks overtime.

DIY vs Professional Repair for Repairing Wall Cracks: Pros and Cons

DIY vs Professional Repair for Repairing Wall Cracks: Pros and Cons
DIY vs Professional Repair for Repairing Wall Cracks: Pros and Cons

Pros for DIY Walls


DIY walls are not as expensive as professional paintingv or repair projects. Since most of the work is done by you, it is a cost-effective alternative.


Your repairs can take place as per your schedule and on your time.

Experience of a kind:

DIY projects are one of a kind. When the project is complete, it gives you a sense of empowerment. It helps you learn new skills and makes you independent.


You have full control over your choice of materials and techniques employed.

Cons for DIY Wall Repair

Skill level:

You may not possess the professional expertise and that may result in the output of your repair.

Time consuming:

Since you do not do this for a living, you may take more time to repair walls in comparison to a professional.

Scope of mistakes:

Amateurs make more mistakes and these mistakes may further the damage and cost you time and money.

Limited resources:

Professionals use technology and equipment that may not be available to everyday people.

Pros for Professional Wall Repair

Expertise and quality:

Professionals are skilled and can carry out repairs without questions on the output. They possess the expertise to repair and diagnose all kinds of cracks.


Professionals have equipment and tools to accelerate the process of repair and prevent future damage effectively.

Time effective and value for money:

Although professional services are chargeable, the output is value for money. It is also time-effective as the task is carried out quickly.

Also Read: Nerolac Paint+ Colours – No More Withhold of Cracks

Cons for Professional Wall Repair

Cost and dependency:

Professional wall repairs increase the cost of the project and you’re dependent on the output of professionals and their schedule.
Less control: You have lesser control over the methods, materials and techniques employed.

Tips for Preventing A Future Cracked Wall

Tips for Preventing A Future Cracked Wall
Tips for Preventing A Future Cracked Wall

Foundation Maintenance: Avoid soil erosion, ensure proper drainage and avoid foundation settlement.

Address Leaks: All plumbing leaks and water damage must be addressed to prevent a cracked wall.

Use Flexible Materials: Use elastomeric coatings or Nerolac Perma Crack Filler to seal cracks and avoid long-term issues.

Professional Assessment: Consult with a professional and structural engineer if you foresee or suspect underlying structural damage.

Control temperature levels and moisture: Maintain a stable temperature indoor and keep the humidity levels intact to avoid expansion and contraction of walls.

By following this preventive guide and expert tips,, you can minimize the risk of future wall cracks and maintain the integrity of your home's walls. Filling cracks in walls can be done easily with Nerolac Perma Crack Filler, where this sealant can effectively close external and internal cracks in walls while keeping your home’s walls intact.

Nerolac Paints, a leading paint company in India offers a wide range of wall paint colours & painting services & solutions for homes & offices.

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