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Velvet Colour


रंग कोड - 2262

A timeless shade that dates back to the Victorian Era. Velvet colour is a dreamy hue that fills your space in a dewy haze. A pastel shade of pink that soothes your mind and invites light into your space.

It’s like a feeling of magic and passion all around you. A dynamic shade which transforms your room with the slightest of touches.

Match Velvet with neutral and dewy shades such as Ballet Shoes or Dusty Green.

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    रंग जो अच्छी तरह से काम करते हैं 'Velvet'

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    Enjoy a holistic painting experience with Nerolac NxtGen Services

    Frequently Asked Questions For Velvet

    What colour goes with velvet walls?

    Velvet walls pair well with shades of brown, Gray, blue, soft pastels and teals.

    Is velvet colour warm or cool?

    Velvet colour is a warm colour because of undertones of red.

    Is velvet a good colour for a bedroom?

    Velvet is a dark, bold and rich colour for a bedroom making it a good choice.

    Is velvet a neutral colour?

    No, velvet is not a neutral tone because it is rich in colour.

    What colour curtains go with velvet painted walls?

    Velvet painted walls work well with curtain colours like white, teal, burgundy and orange-red.

    How do you style furniture in a room with velvet walls?

    The velvet colour is already a rich and sophisticated backdrop to have. To compliment that, neutral-toned furniture and lavender accents work well to balance aesthetics.

    Can I use velvet colour in a living room?

    Velvet colour may be a bold choice in a living room. You can choose velvet for a statement or highlight wall in the living room to balance the colours out.

    Is velvet colour in the violet or blue family?

    Velvet colour falls in the dark crimson family.
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